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Keeping Homo Sapiens sane and informed in uncertain times. Nurturing the goodness that brings us together.
Shining a light on the dark forces that threaten our democratic society.

A Message about Stable Genus, from the Editor & Founder Seth Stottlemyer

We are at an inflection point in our society. The stability and future of our Genus and species, Homo Sapien, is not guaranteed, neither is the survival of Western democracy, our cherished traditional institutions, the rule of law, and the supremacy of modern enlightenment thinking. If these pillars of our society continue to erode, the temple of modern progressive civilization as we know it could collapse and be replaced by a brutish, lawless, and backward regime resembling Putin’s repressive Russian kleptocracy or even worse. If we were to lose our system of representative governance and protections enshrined in our laws, then chaos, fear, and suffering would rule the day. Reclaiming a civilized society from that wreckage would be a long, grueling, and bloody journey back. It’s up to all of us not to lose the America we have.

Let’s choose light over darkness, cooperation over shortsighted self-interest, and truth over lies. Let’s all try, at least, to conduct ourselves from a place of moral courage and not from fearful cynicism. In general, try to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

I believe there is still a large majority of the citizenry occupying the moderate space on the spectrum of politics and culture. It’s a segment that cherishes heritage and tradition but values our diversity, inclusion, pluralism, and personal freedoms. We should elevate and nurture this large group of Americans with revealing, intelligent, and humorous content. Let’s counter-program the extremist voices that seem to get all the attention today.

The Solid Center of America is tired and wary of dangerous and divisive rhetoric from radical and extreme elements. They are tired of the culture wars, tired of the racist dog whistles, tired of the dehumanization of their fellow citizens. They are fed up with the bullying and punitive actions from fear-mongering, opportunistic, right-wing populist politicians. Their violent rhetoric towards political opponents and journalists has grown under the influence of Trumpism and should be called out. Their silence in condemning hate speech and dangerous conspiracies is deafening.

The majority of Americans believe in protecting women’s reproductive freedoms, defending democracy and certified election results, and supporting common-sense gun regulations to protect our children and families in the public realm. They agree on many of the big issues and are looking for ways to reform our electoral politics to achieve those goals.

Additionally, many of us are concerned by certain far-left elements who advocate for the abolition of capitalism and defunding police departments. While crime rates overall are down, these groups tend to excuse and ignore incidents of property and violent crime, which has led to significant problems in many American cities. Also alarming is the myopic focus by the far left solely on the tragedy of the conflict in the Middle East to the detriment and exclusion of other issues facing us at home. There is an unfortunate propensity to cut your nose off to spite your face, which should be called out. 

Despite what cable news programs would have you believe, most of us look out for our neighbors and try to get along with our friends and family members who may hold slightly different political perspectives. In the future, we will look to leaders who are more interested in bringing us together and fostering cooperation rather than waging culture wars that turn us against one another. 

The power of our shared beliefs, activities, and interests is far greater than the forces of hate and ignorance that threaten to tear our society apart. For the sake of our shared future, we must protect, nurture, and cultivate spaces of art, culture, religious faith, community collaboration, and preservation of democratic principles. We must amplify the positive voices and shine a light on the dark forces of authoritarianism. We must strengthen the ties that bind us together. 

I hope will continue to be a place for you to find thought-provoking commentary, reliable information about the world, a little comic relief, and some inspiration. Stable Genus offers original opinion pieces and highlights writing from nationally syndicated voices. There are enlightening & inspiring podcasts, video clips from late-night comedy kings, and even a segment called Conspiracy & Quackery that captures some of the more outlandish and alarming statements from anti-democratic, conspiracy-driven extremists. It’s our duty as citizens to stay vigilant for threats from abroad and from within. Additionally, you can find a variety of interesting articles I’ve curated from the realms of art and culture, climate and science, and health and leisure. aggregates reality-based Earth One public content from reliable, recognized sources engaged in real journalism and provides full credit and links to authors’ work. StableGenus should be a staple of your content consumption. You don’t have time to read everything online, so you might as well read Thank you for your support and interest.