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Keeping Homo Sapiens sane and informed in uncertain times. Nurturing the goodness that brings us together.
Shining a light on the dark forces that threaten our democratic society.

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The fate of our species, Homo Sapiens, is not guaranteed on this planet. And as we’ve learned over the last few years, neither is the survival of our democratic governments, cherished institutions, and modern enlightenment thinking. If these key pillars of our society continue to erode, the temple of modern progressive civilization as we know it could collapse and be replaced by a brutish, backwards, and repressive authority pulling on the puppet strings of populist mob rule. Then we’re all screwed, even the minority of people who contributed directly to the undermining and degradation. They’re lives and their families’ lives too will suffer from the collapse of western democratic norms. At we contend that there is still a large and strong moderate majority of the citizenry that occupy a space in the middle of the spectrum of political and cultural values. A segment that cherishes heritage and independence but knows the importance and strength of our diversity and pluralism. The Solid Center is tired and wary of the dangerous and divisive rhetoric from radical and extreme elements. Tired of the culture wars, tired of the racist dog whistles, tired of the dehumanization of their fellow Americans, and tired of the increase in violent language and threats from elected politicians. We contend that our shared beliefs, activities, and interests in totality are greater than these forces of hate and ignorance that threaten to tear our societies apart. We must protect, nurture, and cultivate this space. We must amplify its voice above the voices of evil. We must strengthen our ties that bind us together. This is the mission of StableGenus.